An estimated one in every four children are suffering from some kind of vision problem. Often these problems go undetected throughout childhood.

Studies show that one out of five (20%) school age children have an undiagnosed visual issue that affects learning. This percentage dramatically increases within the special education, learning challenged and remedial reading populations, where as many as 70% of these learners have a significant visual component to their learning problems.

Our professional team provides a service at schools for screening children’s vision but parents should also be attuned to simple indications that can occur:

  • sitting too close to the television
  • covering one eye when looking at a book or object
  • constant headaches
  • getting up or asking to sit closer to the blackboard at school
  • squinting or rubbing eyes excessively
  • difficulty catching a ball
  • not wanting to look at books
  • sore eyes
  • slow reading
  • poor concentration and comprehension
  • blurred vision
  • head tilt
  • incorrect copying off the board

Frequently asked questions

Should I have my child’s eyes examined

Yes. Your child’s first eye exam should occur before he or she leaves the hospital at birth. Additional paediatric eye health screenings should occur every year from that point forward, with the first vision acuity test occurring around 4 years.

What should I expect during my child’s eye examination?

The extent of your child’s eye examination will depend on his or her age. For most children, exams will measure distance vision, near vision, eye movement and tracking, focusing abilities, and hand-eye coordination. We will also do various testing to assess your child’s eye health, to determine if there are any congenital or hereditary abnormalities that need further care or monitoring.

What can I do to protect my child’s eyes?

Encourage your child to wear UV-protective sunglasses and feed your child a nutritious diet high in phytonutrients (from fruit and vegetables) as well as omega-3 fats (from fish). Contrary to popular belief, sitting too close to the TV or other electronic devices will no necessarily harm your child’s eyes, but may cause eye muscle problems, fatigue, and may worsen nearsightedness. Recommending an arm’s length distance from electronic devices and limiting screen time will help.

Please contact us and we will do a full paediatric eye examination which is both extensive and detailed. We are professionals in this field and pay particular attention to the detection and optical treatment of congenital disorders.